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emperor‘s shadow
帝国的阴影  detail>>
shadow of the emperor
皇位背后的阴影  detail>>
 n.  (fem. empress) 皇帝。 the Purple E- 深紫蝶。  n.  -ship  皇帝的身份...  detail>>
the emperor
皇帝的新装 皇帝之章  detail>>
in the shadow
阴影笼罩 在阴暗处  detail>>
in the shadow of
在...附近  detail>>
 n.  1.(阴)影;影像;阴暗;黑暗。 2.影子;形影相随的人。 3.跟着客人来的人;不速之客;食客。 4.〔美俚〕侦探。 5...  detail>>
the shadow
鬼影 雷克探案之血影惊魂 阴影,身影 影子 魅影魔星 魅影奇侠 魅影侠  detail>>
the shadow of a shadow
虚中之虚  detail>>
a divine emperor
神圣天皇  detail>>
amboina emperor
安汶裸颊鲷  detail>>
blackspotted emperor
黑斑裸颊鲷  detail>>
boss as emperor
九五型老板  detail>>
chenghua emperor
明宪宗 朱见深  detail>>
children of the emperor
帝皇之子  detail>>
chinese emperor
中国皇帝  detail>>
chongzhen emperor
崇祯帝 崇祯皇帝 明思宗 明毅宗 朱由检  detail>>
cloistered emperor
太上法皇  detail>>